9 Ways to Create Passive Income: Sleep Your Way to Wealth

Welcome back to the blog! In this article, we’ll discuss nine ways you can use to generate passive income. It’s important to clarify that when we talk about passive income, we’re referring to money that isn’t directly tied to the hours you put in. Let’s explore these methods and assess how easy they are to start, how you can make $100 a month with them, and how you can sustain this income over time.

1. Investing in Stocks and Shares:

To get started, you can sign up with a stockbroker and invest in index funds. On average, you can expect around a 10% return, which can earn you $100 a month.

2. Starting a YouTube Channel:

 Starting a YouTube channel is a popular way to generate passive income. While it’s relatively easy to get started, growing your channel and making money from it requires time and effort. To monetize your channel, you need a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. Making $100 a month depends on the revenue per thousand views, which averages around $2. Achieving this level of income requires consistent content creation and audience growth. Once established, maintaining the income becomes easier.

3. Starting a Podcast:

Starting a podcast is easier than starting a YouTube channel, but growing a podcast requires more effort. Monetizing a podcast usually involves brand deals and sponsorships. To make $100 a month, you need around 1,000 downloads per episode. Getting to this level of downloads can be challenging, but with time and promotion, it becomes achievable. Maintaining a podcast requires consistent episode creation.

4. Becoming an Affiliate Marketer:

Affiliate marketing involves selling other people’s products and earning a commission on the sales. Getting started is relatively easy; you can sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates. Making $100 a month depends on the conversion rate and traffic to your affiliate links. It requires building an audience and providing value to attract sales. Maintenance involves ongoing promotion and content creation.

5. Selling Digital Products:

Selling digital products, such as ebooks or apps, can be a lucrative way to generate passive income. Creating the product is relatively easy, but making sales requires identifying a problem and providing a solution. Making $100 a month depends on the demand for your product and your marketing efforts. Maintenance involves updating and promoting the product.

6. Creating an Online Course:

Creating an online course is similar to selling digital products, but in video format. Getting started is relatively easy, and platforms like Skillshare make it accessible. Making $100 a month depends on the number of students or viewers of your course. It requires providing valuable content and attracting an audience. Maintenance involves updating and promoting the course.

7. Creating a Paid Membership or Community Model:

Creating a paid membership or community model can be profitable, but it is generally more successful with an existing audience. Getting started requires building an audience and providing value. Making $100 a month depends on the number of members or subscribers to your paid community. Maintenance involves providing ongoing value and engagement.

8. Automating or Delegating Business Processes:

If you have a business that sells goods or services, automating or delegating certain aspects of the business can make it more passive. By leveraging technology and outsourcing tasks, you can free up your time and generate passive income.

9. Building and Selling Software Products:

Building an app, website, or software product that can be offered as a subscription service can be a highly profitable source of passive income. However, it requires technical skills and significant upfront investment.


Remember, these methods require effort, value creation, and audience building. While it takes time to see significant returns, persistence and dedication can make passive income a reality. There are no get-rich-quick schemes; value is the key to success.

My Favorite Passive Income :

Among various passive income options, my favorite is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing, and I’ve found that programs like the 7 Figure Accelerator can supercharge your success in this field.

Please read my previous articles about this topic :